Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dogs and summer

Summer time can be a trying time for pets, particulary if you dog has a black coat.
A few simple tips to keep your dog more comfortable in the upcoming months:

A drip feed bowl is ideal for the hot days - this will ensure you will not be worried that Fido is dehydrating in the heat due to lack of water.

Most butchers sell marrow bones. Have them cut in half (length ways) and freeze. On hot days give to your dog directly from the freezer. This will keep them entertained for hours and also cool them down.

Keep a bottle of water in the freezer, so on particularly hot days you give your dog the frozen bottle, it keeps them cooler.

Another way of cooling down your dog is by wetting their paws or underbelly. It is especially helpful if your dog likes to play with the hose, you won't waste too much water doing this and your dog will benefit.

If you dont' have any shade in your backyard, you could plant a tree, but this may only be effective for your 4th or 5th dog.... so please ensure you have some shaded areas at home before you get a dog.

Summer Storms.

If you do have a dog who has a particular aversion to storms talk to your vet about medications available for your pet to ease the distress.

If you have a dog and have some helpful hints for the summer time please let me know.